Dr. Jens Herpolsheimer
Within RASS, I focus on the role that African regional economic communities (RECs) play in making sense of issues of global concern, and in global strategies to address these issues.
Research fields: African Politics, Regionalisms, Regional Organizations, Inter-Regionalism, Inter-Organizational Relations
Leipzig University, Germany
Jens Herpolsheimer is a postdoctoral researcher at the Research Centre Global Dynamics as well as at the Collaborative Research Centre (SFB) 1199: “Processes of Spatialization under the Global Condition,” both based at Leipzig University (Germany). He holds a PhD in global studies from Leipzig University. In his research, he focuses on practices of conflict intervention as well as practices of inter-regionalism between African regional organizations and the European Union, with a special emphasis on issues of governance, peace, and security. His latest book is Spatializing Practices of Regional Organizations during Conflict Intervention: The Politics of ECOWAS and the African Union (2021).
Herpolsheimer, Jens. (2022). Studying practices of interregional security governance and space-making between ECOWAS and the European Union. Territory, Politics, Governance, 12 (4), 554 – 571.
Herpolsheimer, Jens. (2021). Spatializing Practices of Regional Organizations during Conflict Intervention: The Politics of ECOWAS and the African Union. Oxfordshire: Routledge.