Dr. Mariel Reiss

Within the context of RASS I will further develop my work on the contestations of human rights of certain subjects in different national and regional African settings. I am interested in unpacking the colonial legacies and postcolonial continuities to date and to analyze counter movements and practices by civil society in various regional governance spaces on the African continent.

Research fields: International relations, regionalism, human rights

University of Marburg, Center for Conflict Studies    

Mariel Reiss currently works at the Center for Conflict Studies at the University of Marburg and within the interdisciplinary Research Center ‚Transformations of Political Violence‘. Here she conducts research on the complex relationship between changing patterns of interpretation and justification of political violence against LGBTIQ+ persons with a focus on eastern and southern African. Reiss holds a Ph.D. in political science from the University of Marburg, Germany. Her publications discuss the establishment and development of regional organizations and the role of state and non-state actors; as well as the negotiation of human rights within multilevel governance systems. Focussing on Eastern African countries and the East African Community, Southern African countries and the Southern African Development Community, as well as the African Union and the European Union. Since January 2024,  Reiss is coordinating the scientific network ‚Re-centering African Subjects and Subjectivities‘, funded by the German Research Foundation.


Reiss, Mariel. (2024). Advocating for human rights of LGBTIQ+ persons in multilevel governance systems. Journal of Civil Society20(3), 269–284. https://doi.org/10.1080/17448689.2024.2366227

Reiss, Mariel. (2024). ‘Regionalism in Global Politics’. In: Zimmermann, H. / Elsinger, M. / Burkhardt, A. (eds.). International Relations. Theories in Action, 209–30. London: Sage Publications Ltd.

Reiss, Mariel / Lenz, Tobias. (2023). Globalising the study of diffusion: multiple sources and the East African Community. Journal of European Public Policy, 1–29.

Reiss, Mariel. (2022). Putting Lessons Learnt to the Test During Challenging Times: The East African Community And The Covid-19 Pandemic. UNU Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies.

Reiss, Mariel. (2022). Regionalismus und De-Globalisierung. In: Schirm, S. / Busch, A. / Lütz, S. / Walter, S. / Zimmermann, H. (eds.). De-Globalisierung. Forschungsstand und Perspektiven. Nomos.

Reiss, Mariel. (2022). Constructing the East African Community. Diffusion from African and European Regional Organizations. London: Routledge. 

Reiss, Mariel. (2019). Regionale Integration. In: Zimmermann, H. / Elsinger, M. (eds.). Grundlagen der Internationalen Beziehungen: Eine Einführung. Kohlhammer.

Reiss, Mariel. (2014). „Make it a People’s Integration!“ The Role of Organized Civil Society Actors in the Regionalization Process of the East African Community. Marburg: Tectum Verlag.

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