Prof. Dr. Toni Haastrup

I participate in the RASS-network because of the critical gaze towards African regionalisms within an evolving global political economy.

Research fields: International Studies

University of Manchester, Manchester, UK

Toni Haastrup is Chair in Global Politics at the University of Manchester since September 2023. She holds a PhD in Politics from the University of Edinburgh. An award-winning teacher and researcher, she is a 2022 recipient of the Emma Goldman Award from the FLAX Foundation for contributions to feminist research and knowledge in Europe. She is also a recipient of the ISRF Mid-Career Fellowship 2023-2024.

Her research interrogates the manifestation of power hierarchies in global politics, with research interests encompassing a wide range of topics within international studies, including peace and security in Africa, feminist, postcolonial and decolonial approaches to international relations, and regional and global governance – she has published extensively in these areas. In addition to supporting policy development, Toni provides occasional commentary to news media on current affairs related to Africa’s international relations and Western foreign policies in Africa.


Haastrup, Toni. (2023). Building gender norms into regional governance and the limits of institutionalising feminism. In: Sawer, M., Banaszak, L. A., True, J. & Kantola, J. Handbook of Feminist Governance, 371-383. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Haastrup, Toni. (2023). Can ‘Feminist’ Policymaking Deliver a More Just World? In: Partis-Jennings, H. / Eroukhmanoff, H. Feminist Policymaking In Turbulent Times. 

Dieng, Rama S. / Haastrup, Toni / Kang, Alice J. (2023). Centering Feminists and Feminism in Protests in Africa. Politics & Gender. Advance online publication.

Agius, Christine / Bergman Rosamond, Annika / Haastrup, Toni / Wright, Katharine A. M. (2023). Challenges for Feminist informed Foreign Policy: Militarisation and Australia’s Engagement via AUKUS and NATO. 

Guerrina, Roberta / Haastrup, Toni / Wright, Katharine A. M. (2023). Contesting feminist power Europe: is Feminist Foreign Policy possible for the EU? European Security32(3), 485-507.

David, Maxine / Garcia, Maria / Haastrup, Toni / Mattheis, Frank. (2023). Disrupting and Re-imagining European Studies: towards a More Diverse and Inclusive Discipline. Journal of Contemporary European Research19(2), 151-162.,

Wright, Katharine A. M. / Haastrup, Toni / Guerrina, Roberta. (2023). Domestication+: The Fifth U.K. National Action Plan on Women, Peace, and Security. 

Haastrup, T. (2023). Making Feminist Foreign Policy Work for Africa.

Haastrup, Toni / Duggan, Niall / Hogan, John / Mah, Luis / Mukalazi, Miriam M. (2023). Study on how to promote inclusiveness of Team Europe Initiatives.

Achilleos-Sarll, Columba / Thomson, Jennifer / Haastrup, Toni / Färber, Karoline / Cohn, Carol / Kirby, Paul. (2023). The Past, Present, and Future(s) of Feminist Foreign Policy. International Studies Review25(1), Article viac068.

Haastrup, Toni. (2023). Women, Peace and Security in a National Security Context: Tensions and Risks. 

Haastrup, Toni. (2022). Africa-Europe, Toil and Trouble? Italian Institute for International Political Studies.

Duggan, Niall / Mah, Luis / Haastrup, Toni. (2022). Africa’s relations with the EU: a reset is possible if Europe changes its attitude. The Conversation Trust.

Haastrup, Toni. (2022). Braucht Afrika noch die EU? IPG.
Haastrup, Toni / Macrae, Heather / Masselot, Annick / Young, Alasdair / Soko, Milford / Whitman, Richard G. (2022). Editing ‚Europe‘: Reflections from Inside, Outside and Beyond. Journal of Common Market Studies60(4), 853-866.
Haastrup, Toni. (2022). Feminist Peace Research in Europe: A Snapshot. In: Stern, M. / Towns, A. E. (eds.), Feminist IR in Europe: Knowledge Production in Academic Institutions, 55-74. (Trends in European IR Theory). Palgrave Macmillan.
Haastrup, Toni. (2022). Negotiating Africa-EU futures amidst geopolitical turmoil. Africa Policy Research Institute.
Haastrup, Toni. (2022). Politics, NOT as usual: Book Review of Decolonizing Politics: An Introduction, by Robbie Shilliam. Identities29(3), 400-404.
Haastrup, Toni. (2022). The EU Should Rethink Its Militarized Approach to African Security. World Politics Review.
Haastrup, Toni / Milner, Richard / Whitman, Richard G. (2022). Who creates the “common market”? The gendered practices of knowledge production in a “European studies” journal. European Political Science.

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